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Working Hard For Change

At Stage4fitness, we believe in a balanced and healthy lifestyle that revolves around a sustainable fitness program designed to fit your specific needs. Our team of certified trainers and coaches are dedicated to helping you improve your physical fitness and overall well-being. Whether you are an athlete, a cancer survivor or just seeking a healthier lifestyle, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you on your journey.

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Get in shape with
Adrian Berry

Sit Ups


This is a popular trend in the fitness world today. Whether you’re training to lose weight or just want to trim and tone, our program will help improve your fitness and have you feeling great. You’ll see an improvement in your performance in no time.

Kettle Ball Squats


My experiences in fitness training include a focus on Core Training. The unique program I’ve developed will help burn calories, boost the metabolism, and improve your overall health. A combination of strategic exercises as well as a healthy diet will have you in tip top shape.

Running Machine


Tired of sitting all day in the office? Do your body a favor and get your blood pumping. Health and fitness is as much about what your body looks like on the outside as it is about how it functions on the inside. Your heart is a muscle, too, and my workouts will get your heart-rate up. Your body will thank you for it!

“You can't wait for life not to be hard anymore before you decide to be happy”




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